Well, Here’s Another Fine Mesh We’ve Gotten Into! Part 2

First uses of mesh for Hernias The first hernia mesh that stood the test of time was a Marlex knitted polypropylene mesh in the late 1950’s.  In contrast to other materials, such as silk, or cotton, this is a synthetic monofilament thread.  In comparison…

Well, Here’s Another Fine Mesh We’ve Gotten Into! Part 1

I suppose I’m dating myself by massaging a quote from Oliver Hardy of the Laurel & Hardy duo from the 1930’s.  When it comes to hernia surgery, the use of mesh is almost universal, and it occasionally will create quite a “mess”.  But…

Need a hernia repair? Have It Your Way!

The staff at DeKalb Surgical Associates (DSA) want to wish you a very Happy New Year, and best wishes for a healthy and prosperous future. The start of the new year often comes with resolutions to do something new or different, or to get something…

High Calcium– “Let’s Watch and Wait”

  My son was home for the holidays and suggested we watch a popular movie from last year,  “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once”.  It’s kind of a crazy movie, and to really understand it, you probably need to watch it about 3 times.…

Partial Breast Irradiation Method for Breast Cancer

Partial breast irradiation method for breast cancer shortens treatment time to as little as 3 days. This is an update of a blog first posted several years ago about partial breast radiation therapy. The treatment of breast cancer has become increasingly…

Happy Thanksgiving from DeKalb Surgical

The physicians and staff of DeKalb Surgical Associates want to extend to all our patients and their families a happy and healthy Thanksgiving holiday. Thanksgiving is a time for reflecting on the past, whether it be just in the year of 2023, or back…

Hyperparathyroidism Can Affect Anybody–Even a Major League Pitcher!

Pitcher Jon Lewis signed with the Washington Nationals in January 2021, and underwent parathyroid surgery later that year. Hyperparathyroidism is a disease that is underrecognized, underdiagnosed, and undertreated.  It is typically manifest as a slight…

How long should I continue getting mammograms? At what age should I stop?

One unanticipated consequence of the COVID pandemic has been the postponement of screening mammography for virtually the entire population of US women who are candidates.  Mammography centers are opening again, now with a large backlog of women to schedule. …

Breast Health In The Time Of COVID-19: Volume 5

Schedule Your Mammogram It seems only fitting to come full circle in this final volume to talk further about mammograms.  Mammography is the workhorse in our efforts to identify and treat breast cancer at its earliest stages. I spoke in the first…

Breast Health In The Time Of COVID-19: Volume 4

In this volume, I am completing my list of 19 steps to improve your breast health, during this COVID-19 pandemic. The first volume was about mammograms. In the second volume, I touched on alcohol, smoking, weight gain, hormones, sleep, and pregnancy.…